40k drop pod conversion
40k drop pod conversion

40k drop pod conversion

You could also view them as becoming exempt at the point they are put in the pod but that would only exempt from counting towards the 1000pts. Even if you exempt pods it might not exempt the units inside because they are not inside and thus exempt till after deployment in the pod. If i have 2 hq 6 pods and 6 tac squads in my army -to me the answer would be 7 this is calculated before deployment so your not guessing what is a legal number.Įxempting from the tactical reserves rule wouldnt change that army level calculation of 7. "When setting up your army during deployment for a matched play game, at least half the total number of units in your army must be set up on the battlefield," Then it is a question of whether the units being exempted would change that initial calculation. My answer is I can see that both ways but if your saying the rule applies to your army and that the rule says half your army must be deployed. (rules for Drop Pods, for those interested: SM-droppod-datafax-2019.jpg)

40k drop pod conversion

So if it has to follow that part of the rule, why wouldn't it have to follow the entire rule? If you say that the Drop Pod still has to count towards your points and drops, then it's following the Tactical Reserve rule, which we're told to ignore. I'm not able to reason out a way that the Drop Pod could only ignore a portion of the Tactical Reserve rule without it specifically saying so. As such, yes, you can null deploy this way. So you have to have 50% of your 0 points and 0 units start on the battlefield, which is 0. Since the rule is such that any units in the Drop Pod are also exempt from Tactical Reserves rule, an army that is 100% embarked in Drop Pods does not have any part of the Tactical Reserves rule apply to any unit. As such, you could null deploy if you army was 100% embarked in Drop Pods. If an ability modifies the damage inflicted by a weapon, and that weapon can inflict mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, the modifier does not apply to any mortal wounds that are inflicted (unless the rule specifically states otherwise).I think the Tactical Reserves rule applies to your army, but the Drop Pod (and the unit it carries) deducted from the total. If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, but the normal damage is subsequently saved, the target unit still suffers the mortal wounds, as described before. If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, resolve the normal damage first.

40k drop pod conversion

Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target unit is destroyed. Unlike damage inflicted by normal attacks, excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost. Do not make a wound roll or saving throw (including invulnerable saves) against a mortal wound – just allocate it as you would any other attack and inflict damage to a model in the target unit. Each mortal wound inflicts 1 point of damage on the target unit, and they are always applied one at a time. Some attacks inflict mortal wounds – these are so powerful that no armour or force field can withstand their fury. Similarly, if, after all the cumulative modifiers to a hit roll have been calculated, the total modifier would be +2 or better, it is changed to be +1. This means that if, after all the cumulative modifiers to a hit roll have been calculated, the total modifier would be -2 or worse, it is changed to be -1. A hit roll can never be modified by more than -1 or +1. An unmodified hit roll of 6 always scores a hit, and an unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails. If an attack is made with a weapon that has an ability that says it ‘automatically hits the target’, no hit roll is made – that attack simply scores one hit on the target unit. If not, the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. If the result of the hit roll is equal to or greater than the attacking model’s Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a ranged weapon) or its Weapon Skill (WS) characteristic (if the attack is being made with a melee weapon), then that attack scores one hit against the target unit. When a model makes an attack, make one hit roll for that attack by rolling one D6.

40k drop pod conversion